Friday, August 20, 2010

Why do conservatives represent a double standard in Iraq?

Not only in Iraq but also an impending war with Iran.

I hear so many of you, NOT ALL but most seem to support this war and going into Iran with barrels blazing. I also hear many of you say they WANT a Holy War and this is the justification for fighting radical Islam. We all know Osama Bin Laden declared Holy War on infidels with 9/11. This is also what Amadinejad wants and a lot of Muslims in the middle-east especially in Iran worship Osama as their Mahdri or Mohammed incarnate to bring about Armageddon which will end with all infidels dead, Islam the true religion to triumph and rule the world. With so many of these parallels with our own biblical prophesies have you ever stopped to think what would happen if we chose not to play along with this plan? Aren't we actually playing right into their scenario? Does this mean that Bush really doesn't believe the bible or is he wanting Armageddon too?

Why do conservatives represent a double standard in Iraq?free spyware remover

You think we are going into Iran without Congress approval? Think again.

Why do conservatives represent a double standard in Iraq?ktm

Where to start?? First I am a conservative that believes this is a Holy War! Maybe a few more liberals need to read what is in the Koran. They are at war with the Jewish and Christian nations. Whether you agree with Ed Borden, he it correct! You can fight back or sit down and let them slice your head off. Second, Ernie, although Bush has professed his beliefs, I haven't heard him say he has a ''direct access'' to God. Bush is over, the next President is the one we need to worry about. Third, if the US or Israel does not stop Iran now, you can bet they will Nuke Israel and sell devices to Al Qaeda! Are you condoning that ''Ernie and Ron ''? Do you want to see Israel Nuked off the face of the map? Also I wouldn't rely on getting my news from CSPAN - might as well use the dailykos. If the process of Armageddon is in place then not one of us can stop it. But I don;t believe in the Rapture which means I will have to defend my Faith through Tribulation. Which I intend to do! And TD give us some good examples of those double standards with sources, but be careful not to also include libs. The politicians want people like you and I to argue and fight, that way we don't focus on their failings. (Federal Politicians are really only one party, once in Washington its them against the constituents.
The ''Armageddon now'' crowd believe all of this stuff happening is the fulfillment of prophecy. So they are pretty much all for it.

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