Monday, August 16, 2010

Survey...please fill out? Especially if you're REALLY bored?

Please let me know which answer is to which question so I don't have to scroll up and down, up and down =)

1-Do you think there will ever be world peace?

2-Do you think Marijuana should be legalized?

3-Do you believe in palm reading?

4-Do you believe in Jesus?

5-Do you love your country?

6-Is the glass half full, or half empty?

7-What were you mostly likely in your past life?

8-Will good triumph over evil?

9-Would you ever visit a psychic?

10-Have you ever had a near-death experience?

11-Have you ever hooked up in a movie theater?

12-Would you date somebody outside of your race?

13-Do your thighs touch?

14-Are you comfortable changing in front of friends?

15-Do you floss?

Survey...please fill out? Especially if you're REALLY bored?hijackthis

1. Yes

2. No, I'd be out of a job (rehab)

3. No

4. Yes

5. Absolutely!

6. Depends on when you ask me. Today=full, tomorrow=who knows!

7. No such thing.

8. Always

9. Just for laughs

10. I thought so at the time, but looking back... no.

11. Um.... no....*looks around innocently*

12. Depends on the somebody. Never have, but not opposed to it.

13. Yep.

14. Nope

15. Um... yes.... -Shut up! Don't tell my dentist.

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